Kiprest- Kirola Inklusiboa prest!Kiprest is an information, coordination and communication platform that favors the management of support resources in the process of inclusion of people with disabilities and / or health disorders in physical activity and sport in their community context. Kiprest has been designed by the GaituzSport Fundazioa Foundation and offers various services: informationFind out about the most recommended physical-sports activities according to the type of deficiency (health alteration). Find the situation that you are interested in consulting in the search engine, you can locate it according to the WHO ICIDH classification. Functional AssessmentYou will be able to register and request a foundational assessment of our team to know the capacities and thus identify the support needs in relation to the sports practice that you want to do within the sports offer of your municipality and / or more appropriate to these capacities. Coordination of AgentsKiprest enables permanent communication between the different agents. Athlete.On the one hand, if you are the athlete, we offer you in a fully accessible way all the information related to the activity and the necessary supports, and you can get a sports history and collect the adaptations, methodologies, solutions that you have been experimenting with. your sporting activity and its result, so that when you have a new experience you dont start from scratch. Sports Monitor.If you are the sports instructor responsible for an activity in which a person with a disability participates, in this application you will find the information necessary for this persons sports practice from an inclusive and normalizing perspective. Specialized Technician in Physical Activity-Health-InclusionThe GaituzSport specialist staff assigned to each athlete will directly act as a link between the athlete and the sports monitor. Chat - Permanent Communication.And since not everything is information, Kiprest offers an exclusive, permanent, and closed chat to the agents who participate directly in relation to the athlete. This is, on the one hand, the athlete himself, on the other his sports monitor and liaison, the GaituzSport specialist technician who guides, advises and coordinates the necessary support resources for the active participation of the athlete in equal opportunities in standardized sports physical activities .